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1416520provjera kolačićaBethesda produljuje Doomov demo za jednog igrača na ograničeno vrijeme

Bethesda produljuje Doomov demo za jednog igrača na ograničeno vrijeme

Are you torn between buying the new Sudbina or skipping out? Well, if you are, the previous free demo that Bethesda and id Software released some weeks back has been extended for PS4, Xbox One and PC players. This demo allows folks to get an idea of what the new Doom-a single player has to offer, and its availability has been extended as a free download.

Playing the demo myself, the SP (or single player) mode was pretty solid when playing through. I tried the story mode twice, once on Hurt Me Plenty and then on Ultra Violence and was pleased with both runs. After watching numerous videos on the game’s campaign mode I was a little worried that the Glory Kills would interrupt the fast brutal gorefest, but they didn’t to my surprise.

If you are looking for some non-stop demon slaying on Mars and through hell, I suggest that you give the demo a spin seeing that it comes in as a free download. In addition to this, the službena cvrkut that Bethesda and id Software sent out can be seen below, via the Doom profile announcing the extension.

It’s uncertain how long the demo’s time is extended, but seeing that the devs posted up a tweet about it, I don’t think that it will last that long. I’m assuming that the extension might be like an extended modern Beta lasting around four plus days, but that’s just my guess.

As of now, the demo can be downloaded across the PlayStation Store, Steam or the Xbox Games Store. With that said, if you are on the fence about snagging the new Sudbina, now is your chance to get a hands on experience to see if it’s worth buying or skipping. Doom is out now for PS4, Xbox One and PC, you can learn more about the demo by hitting up doom.com.

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